The Six of Crows Duology Boxed Set (Six of Crows, #1-2) (2025)

Kai Spellmeier

Author7 books14.7k followers

April 6, 2021

I just ordered this.

The Six of Crows Duology Boxed Set (Six of Crows, #1-2) (2)

I just received this.

The Six of Crows Duology Boxed Set (Six of Crows, #1-2) (3)

The books, covers, writing and plot and all are outstanding.

The Six of Crows Duology Boxed Set (Six of Crows, #1-2) (4)

However the box is low quality and rips easily.

The Six of Crows Duology Boxed Set (Six of Crows, #1-2) (5)

Apart from that it's probably one of the best series ever. Am I right?

The Six of Crows Duology Boxed Set (Six of Crows, #1-2) (6)

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    owned queer

spring ~♡

536 reviews748 followers

March 24, 2022

Kaz is the only person I will allow to step on my face.


688 reviews87 followers

March 8, 2018


The Six of Crows Duology Boxed Set (Six of Crows, #1-2) (9)

    fantasy great-heroines part-of-series

Shirin ≽^•⩊•^≼ t.

613 reviews101 followers

October 31, 2023

Crows remember human faces. They remember the people who feed them, who are kind to them. And the people who wrong them too. They don’t forget. They tell each other who to look after and who to watch out for.

    g-fantasy-ya my-best-fantasy

Avani ✨

1,855 reviews441 followers

May 8, 2021

One of my favourite duology now !! Love it. The characters are just so goooddd.


2,363 reviews282 followers

March 16, 2023

Lots of discombobulation. 3 of 10 stars


221 reviews1 follower

October 10, 2023

the crows deserve the world 🩷

Emily Anne

240 reviews254 followers

July 4, 2017

WHY HAS NO ONE TOLD ME HOW AMAZING SIX OF CROWS IS? *scrolls through goodreads* Oh wait all my friends have rated it 5 stars and have shouted its praises. Huh.

Well, anyway, I have just finished bawling my eyes out at the ending of Crooked Kingdom and I have been obsessively pinning fan art on Pinterest. It's safe to say I am obsessed.

So let's talk about some special things from The Dregs... six to be precise. (This list is pretty much spoiler free. There's not much you won't get from the first few chapters of SoC)

OK I have feelings about this boy. He is the most anti-hero of all the characters and yet I still love him to pieces.... I love his viciousness and his cane and his cunning schemes. Bardugo make him worthy of some sympathy and even a bit of admiration.

Inez is wise, moral, and has amazing acrobatic skills. She's called the Wraith and is, of course, made of strong stuff. She's Suli and throughout all her traumatic ordeals still remains very close to her Suli heritage... often spouting out Suli proverbs to Kaz. To summarize, she is amazing.

Precious Wylan is dragged into the Dregs and it's the cutest thing ever. He's from a respected, although rather horrible, family... and this new criminal life takes a while to adjust to. He's also a whiz with chemicals.

Jesper!!! I love Jesper and his pistols and sarcasm... and how he flirts with Wylan! He also has a gambling problem, unfortunately. I wanted to shake him by the shoulders so many times. I LIVED for his chapters.

Ahhh, now we are at big grumpy Matthias. My favorite Fjerdan! He's really just a giant teddy bear. (Okay, he's actually not but I can pretend.) He and Nina are perfect for each other... even though they are kinf-of not-really mortal enemies. Oops.

Okay! I'll admit it. Nina is my favorite character. I love her strength and her love for waffles and her ability to be bright and happy in her gang of dark criminals. And her grisha powers as a Heartrender are amazing.


So, basically, if you are like past me and haven't picked up Leigh Bardugo's masterful SIX OF CROWS duology let me say one thing: you are missing out on all the fun shenanigans in the Ice Court and Ketterdam. Come meet my flawed babies. The characters and world building and heists are freakin' spectacular. Also Bardugo's writing is dazzling and a lot more sophisticated than my review.

Now, excuse me, I'm going to go like all my favorite quotes on Goodreads. And cry over that scene in Crooked Kingdom.


3,351 reviews1,237 followers

Shelved as 'duplicate-books'

October 14, 2016

This is another series that is just begging to be bought in Hardback. Not only was Six of Crows a five star read that I totally adored but those covers and the pretty sprayed edges just have to be mine!

I don't think you actually need to buy the duology to get the sprayed edges (I think the hardbacks come with them anyway but I could be wrong about that). The slipcover is just really thin cardboard & doesn't really add anything special but it worked out cheaper this way than buying the books individually so that definitely worked in my favour.



157 reviews22 followers

February 22, 2022


    2022 favorites my-copy

Lai Reading

328 reviews530 followers

June 28, 2020

4.5/5 sao

Ban đầu mình cứ nghĩ bộ này sẽ là một chuyến phiêu lưu của những kẻ bất hảo thôi, và đọc xong thật sự rất ngỡ ngàng trong cái vòng xoay hy sinh, cố gắng, chiến đấu, thù hận và yêu thương. Len lỏi giữa những phút giây căng thẳng nghẹt thở (hoặc hoang mang cực độ) là những ngọt ngào của những mối tình (tưởng như là trẻ con nhưng lại vô cùng sâu sắc) giữa Jesper và Wylan, Kaz và Inej, Nina và Matthias.

Bộ truyện này sẽ đưa bạn vào một hành trình phiêu lưu đầy kỳ diệu của những con người ở đáy cùng xã hội, họ kề vai sát cánh bên nhau và từ lúc nào đó đã trở thành một gia đình thực thụ, với những quan tâm, lo lắng và yêu thương hiếm thấy trong thành Ketterdam đầy lạc thú và phù phiếm.

Cả câu chuyện là một hành trình cố gắng và chiến đấu, nhưng kết thúc khép lại lại là những điều ý nghĩa nhất trong cuộc đời một ai đó.

Bộ này truyền tải rất nhiều thông điệp ý nghĩa, và em ý là một lựa chọn tốt để mở đầu cho hành trình fantasy sau này của mình.

    book-gift book-in-2020 fantasy

Livian LaVine

4 reviews

April 5, 2019

Six of Crows is one of the best fantasy books I have ever read, trumped only by its sequel, Crooked Kingdom. It is so different from other fantasy books I have read. It completely side-steps the "chosen one" narrative. Many fantasy books follow the theme of, "I must go on a magical quest to save (insert subject) with my slightly two-dimensional sidekicks! Onward!"
Six of Crows is completely different. Everyone is important, and everyone has a story. No one is perfect. In a weird way, this is one of the most realistic books I have ever read. I know that sounds dumb, considering it takes place in a fictional world where magic is real. But I mean that the characters are so real. No one is perfect, and these characters are an amazing example. Not even adorable Wylan. You can relate to every one of the characters. Every one of them has at least one trait that you can relate to, good or bad! I am willing to change my views like Matthias, confident like Nina, joking like Jesper, clever like Wylan, hopeful like Inej, and ambitious like Kaz. Even if you somehow don't somehow see yourself in one of these characters, you probably in some way know a Nina Zenk, a Matthias Helvar, a Wylan Van Eck, a Jesper Fahey, an Inej Ghafa, or even a Kaz Brekker (but hopefully one who's not so unemotional). The characters are so undeniably real, and you will come to care about the characters and their futures, especially so in Crooked Kingdom. You get to see them grow, mature, and overcome their greatest obstacles. Not only are the characters so real in their personalities, but it is also amazing how diverse the cast is! The characters' varying ethnicities and sexualities make the group feel even more real. They’re human, just like us. I will be real with you; I nearly cried at the end of Crooked Kingdom, and I know a couple of people who did.
But the characters aren't the only reason I love this book so much. The writing is absolutely beautiful. It is clever, witty, sophisticated, and addictive. I stayed up until close to midnight every night (yes, that includes school nights) just so I could read. Even if I was exhausted, I knew I HAD TO READ! I didn't have time during school, and not really after school, either, but I always found a way. It's worth getting only six hours of sleep if I get to read some amazing banter. And the banter is one of the best parts of this book! It's witty, adorable, and overall amazing. Personally, the Wesper banter has always been my favorite, and I can even recite exact excerpts from the book. (Shoutout to all of my fellow Wesper shippers!)
I am a loyal fan of the GrishaVerse books, and the main reason why is because of how Bardugo does her worldbuilding. She takes inspiration from real countries and places from around the world, which is one of the reasons the world she's built feels so real! She describes the surroundings of the characters so beautifully. I can easily picture myself on the streets of Ketterdam or in the Ice Court.
I recommend this book to anyone who loves fantasy, to anyone is looking for something unique and different, to anyone who loves shipping (*cough* ME *cough cough*), to anyone who loves a great story, to anyone who doesn't feel represented in the what they read, to anyone who always cares for the characters whose stories are told, and to anyone who's looking for a bloody good time. So, really, I recommend this book to everyone.

Micheline Ryckman

Author6 books402 followers

June 22, 2018

Clever and well composed tales with intriguing diverse characters that are woven into a unique world.


1,193 reviews343 followers

March 20, 2021

This may be the most unpopular review I've written....
It's just that the series was....

The Six of Crows Duology Boxed Set (Six of Crows, #1-2) (21)

..... Not that interesting...

The Six of Crows Duology Boxed Set (Six of Crows, #1-2) (22)

To be clear, I liked the writing, It's the characters that I didn't connected to or rather the main characters, the couple Kaz & Inej, I didn't feel any chemistry between them.

and if to be rated separately, six of crows would receive a 3 from me, Crooked kingdom on the other.... Well, it definitely wasn't up to the mark.....

I liked the other group characters: Nina, Jasper, Wylan and Mythais, In this very order actually. And all the stars are for them mainly......

*I hoped I'll like it this big franchise of the fantasy world but I guess its really true that different people have different choices.

The Six of Crows Duology Boxed Set (Six of Crows, #1-2) (23)

    fandom fantasy friends


1,496 reviews77 followers

February 2, 2018

5 🌟

The series was very good. Another excellent installment in the Grishaverse. Hope to see cameos some time from the characters in the future if possible.

    favorites i-own published-in-2016


4,837 reviews592 followers

March 18, 2018

The Six of Crows duology spent a very long time sitting on my to-read list, a duology I was super intrigued about but as also worried about due to the hype. I convinced myself to read the Grisha trilogy first, though, to get an idea of the world – and as I had hoped, I was more than willing to dive into this duology for more.

Honestly, it was such a wonderful duology. It was very different to the Grisha trilogy, but that only made it enjoyable in different ways. With so much going on in this one, you’re sucked into so many aspects. It has a wonderful story, one that unfolds over the two books, throwing in plenty of twists to keep you engaged.

There is no doubt I want more of these characters and this world in my life.

Sebastián Tyrer

1 review1 follower

August 28, 2018

What an adventure!

I must say, that since a special someone "pitched" this series of books to me, and ramble about it non stop, I knew it was worth reading. when you can see that spark on someone as they speak about something that they love. You can't push that aside and ignore it.

So I took my shot, and bought the books. Started reading, and just couldn't stop. The universe itself is so vast and full of possibilities. I must admit I took my breaks, not because I got bored of the book, but because I idn't have enough energy to read everyday, and I wanted to give the book my full and undivided attention when reading it.

The story is captivating, full of whirls and cliffs. It got me excited and wanting more, all the way until the end. The development of the characters is so well done, that you can't just finish the books and not fall in love with a few of them.

Overall, it's a series of books I'd recommend to anyone that likes a good fantasy book, to anyone that enjoyed Harry Potter, or Kingkiller Chronicle (yet to be finished haha).


1,176 reviews1 follower

November 27, 2016

I couldn't help myself.
I went to Barnes and Noble on Black Friday, saw this, fainted, woke up, and bought it.
How could I not own a set of one of my favorite series of all time? I'm staring at the books right now, resting nicely next to my Infernal Devices Boxed Set, and I can't stop smiling. I keep running over, flipping the books open to random pages, and just reading.
And those specific scenes in Crooked Kingdom that made me explode? Now I can read them whenever I want!
Money well spent.

David V.

883 reviews85 followers

April 10, 2020

Started 3-30-20. Finished the first book on 4-5-20; then immediately started the 2nd book and finished it today 4-9-20. Excellent series; well-written; fascinating characters with awesome development(even the villains were interesting); dialogue between characters is honest and real and you can imagine these conversations occurring now in our world. The heroes are flawed and lovable; brave and naive; with powers that they've only just begun to understand; and I was sorry to see their story end. These were the first books of Ms. Bardugo that I've read, but I'm now a fan. And I can discuss them with my 16-year old granddaughter( who's also a fan) on an adult level---what a treat!


47 reviews

January 26, 2022

I have always loved the plot, characters, and writings of these books. Been one of my personal favorites since I read them.


747 reviews60 followers

September 29, 2022

Very well thought out characters and fantastic world building.

    bus-box fantasy ya-scifi-fantasy

cierra ♡ ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧

236 reviews7 followers

October 14, 2024

3.5⭐️ (six of crows - 5⭐️, crooked kingdom - 2.75⭐️)


23 reviews8 followers

September 17, 2020

I love these books with my entire soul and heart. I wish I was an octopus so I had three hearts to love it with in place of one. It was so well written, and I was in love with the plot from the beginning. Despite being slightly slow in the beginning, it really helped the build up in the first book. And the second book...Just - O.M.G!
Absolutely brilliant. It was so intelligently written and was filled with twists and turns on every second page. I may only be 14, but I am a very mature reader and skipped children and teen books, going straight onto adult and YA, and I still found this brilliant.
And the characters. Kaz was obviously my favourite character, and he was extremely well developed, his many sides revealed through out the first and second books. Personally, Jesper was always my close runner up. I have always loved funny and sarcastic characters, and Jesper is just so perfect with his brilliant digs and remarks. Inej, Wylan, Nina and Mathias were close behind, but my heart still lays with Kaz and Jes.
Overall, you should definetely read this twisty turny page turning genius of a book. I just hope you love it as much as I do.

Ana Rilo

95 reviews29 followers

March 26, 2018

Libro 1:

Tenía ganas y miedo de empezarlo por todas las críticas tan positivas que había leído. Tenía miedo de que las expectativas fueran demasiado altas, pero no debería haberme preocupado. El libro es fantástico.

Indiscutiblemente tengo que empezar hablando de los personajes de esta historia. Me he enamorado y enamorado de personajes, pero creo que hasta ahora no he encontrado unos tan carismáticos. La caracterización, especialmente mediante los diálogos, es impresionante. No hay uno que no me haya terminado de convencer, todos tenían algo. Son tan dispares y están tan bien definidos que es imposible no apreciarlo.

La trama en sí me ha encantado de principio a fin. Es una historia ágil y entretenida. Además tiene la clase de romance que a mí me gusta. Ese que no colapsa el protagonismo de la historia, que fluye, es creíble y, sobre todo, te hace querer verlo avanzar poco a poco.

Reseña completa:

Libro 2:



236 reviews18 followers

October 30, 2020

مر زمن طويل منذ آخر مره جعلني فيها كتاب اسهر للفجر او اتفرغ تماما لقرائته واكاد اجزم انني لم اقرا في حياتي عملا مشابها !

تتكون السلسله من كتابين وتدور الاحداث في عالم (الجريشا) الذي بداناه في سلسله ruin and rising . لكن هذه المره مدينتنا بعيده عن رافكا ، مدينه كيتيردام الممتلئه بالعصابات ، بيوت المتعه ، القمار والتجار الفاسدين . ابطالنا من اسؤا القتله في المنطقه . سته مراهقين لفظتهم الشوارع فرباهم الخوف والبقاء للاقوى . سته مراهقين يدفعهم حب المال لقبول مهمه مستحيله خارج البلد وهنا تبدا الاحداث .

الحبكه القصصيه رائعه ، تستخدم lee عده اساليب في الكتاب فتراك ترجع بالزمن تاره وتدخل عقل شخصيه تاره اخرى . مليئه بالاكشن والحركه لكنها ايضا تصطبغ بالدراما اذ ان القصه عباره عن مجموعه قصص داخل بعض فبعيدا عن المهمه نجدنا نتعرف على خلفيه كل بطل من ابطالنا ، نغوص في مخاوفه وصراعاته ونفهم لحظه التحول في حياته . اعظم ما في القصه هو تخطيط المهمات وايجاد الحلول للخروج من الازمات .

ستبهرك !


89 reviews6 followers

February 4, 2017

Re-read Six of Crows, fun fact this book gets better every time you read it. I am SO in love with these characters. Choosing the box set was the only way for me to indicate I re-read it and wasn't reading for the first time. I tried to select a different format of six of crows but it wouldn't work for me. Really wish there were a way on Goodreads to indicate a re-read; I'm really annoyed about it.

Fraser Simons

Author9 books287 followers

April 27, 2021

When you read these back to back as one continuous plot it is absolutely great. The pacing makes more sense and the annoying cliffhanger is completely different. You also get all of the flashbacks for the crew members, everyone has arcs. Apart they’re good. Together they’re near perfect examples of the genre.

    all-time-favourite fantasy lgbtqia2s


2,914 reviews

Shelved as 'hibernating'

May 1, 2022

Six of Crows? I loved this book. So why isn't this a 5-star review, you ask? Good question. I don’t like heist movies. Oh sure they’re hilarious fun to watch the tables get turned and turned again. The tropes of the genre are well defined. Yes they are. And frustrating as hell. These tropes are also the cliches of the genre. And there isn’t much of a difference between the ease with which a writer can turn a narrative on its head with a sudden sneaky reveal, and that a poor writer using a convenient twist pulled out some nether region. A lot of this book hinges on misdirection, which can be good, but it can also get tiresome and … predictable.
Still, this is a wonderful book, filled with great characters and a wonderful (if sometimes a bit too convenient) story. The world building is rich and diverse and begs for more exploration. I will certainly be returning to this world soon(4/5).

Crooked Kingdom?

    bookclub grishaverse omnibus

Emma Hinkle

779 reviews16 followers

April 24, 2023

This was so much better than the first book of the series IMHO. The character development was so well done and every character had elements of grey in their backstory that they had to reckon with. The heist stakes were that much higher and it was a thrilling read.



201 reviews

March 30, 2024

A six star duology for sure! I need to go watch the tv show now.

The Six of Crows Duology Boxed Set (Six of Crows, #1-2) (2025)
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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Views: 5985

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (53 voted)

Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.