What colours are on trend for walls in 2023? (2025)

Which colours are in fashion for home decorations? The trends for walls in 2023

Walls are a focal point of the home. We often overlook them, consigning them to a supporting role for all the rest of our furnishings, but in reality they are crucial in defining the identity of our living spaces.

That’s why the topic ofwall-colour trendscontinues to garner attention year after year. In fact, a careful use of colours can help to create a unique atmosphere in the home, expressing a coherent style and becoming the defining characteristic of a room, no less than the furniture and fittings.

But whatcolour should you pick for painting your home in 2023? In this guide, we walk you through the trendiest shades of the new year.

What colours are on trend for walls in 2023? (1)

New wall colours: Viva Magenta

Brave and fearless, a pulsating colour whose exuberance promotes a joyous and optimistic celebration. It is a colour that is audacious, full of wit and inclusive of all.

This is how Pantone describesViva Magenta, thecolour of the year 2023.

What colours are on trend for walls in 2023? (2)

It is acolour of great power, a shade that descends from the red family, rooted in nature andexpressive of a new signal of strength.

Its nuanced crimson red tone represents a balance between warm and cool. In the world ofinterior design, this allows it to lend itself well to a variety of situations:defining a space, on anitem of furniture, or simplyas a striking pop of colour.

Andon walls? It’s perfect when used toset the stage for joyful furnishingspacked with personality, oras an accent in more neutral, delicate environments.

How to achieve Viva Magenta on your walls using VALPAINT productsUsing the VALPAINT catalogue of products,this 2023 trending colourcan be achieved using:



Terracotta-Brown: one of the newest trends in interior wall colours

In2023, refined and sophisticated design speaks the language oftwo colours deeply inspired by nature: earthy brown and terracotta.

These two tones are perfect when used alone, whether contrasted with softer colours like sand or paired with shades of dove grey and beige to create a particularly elegant and tasteful tone-on-tone effect.

If the furniture features wood finishes, the two tones can also be paired to create an extraordinary sense of light and depth, contrasting brighter woods with darker paints and vice versa.

What colours are on trend for walls in 2023? (4)

How to achieve Terracotta-Brown on your walls using VALPAINT productsUsing the VALPAINT catalogue of products,this 2023 trending colourcan be achieved using:


VALSETIN 2ORO 709 + Col. 471 B

Shades of Blue, from Cobalt to Baby blue, are some of the trendiest for interiors in 2023When it comes topaint, there can be no doubt thatBlue is one of 2023’s leading palettes: from cobalt to light pastel blue and all the way to baby blue.

Theseshadesspread tranquillityby their very nature and have a positive effect on our moods. That’s why they are particularlysuitable for painting the walls of the rooms where we relax and spend our free time, like living rooms, night-time areas and even bathrooms.

ButBluehas other advantages too as apaint for interiors:

when used in large rooms, it increases the sense of space
if contrasted with white, different shades of blue show up more clearly
it can be used on large pieces of furniture, like a velvet couch or armchair, preferably with natural, sinuous lines; or it can create a fun and fashionable contrast on smaller accessories.

In any case,this 2023 trending colourallows you togive environments an undeniable sense of modernity and elegance.

How to achieve this trending shade for interiors using VALPAINT paints


VALSETIN 2ARGENTO 100 + Col. 453 G

Sophisticated Violet among the fashionable colours for wallsViolet, previously featured by Pantone in last year’s Very Peri (to see the trends for 2022, check out“Wall-colour trends: how to paint the home in 2022”), is making its presence felt again in the world of design in2023, with amore sophisticatedand, in certain senses, more refined shade.

Violetis a colour symbolically associated with creativity and romanticism, which has shown itself to be highly versatile inadapting to both modern and classic styles, characterising both daytime and night-time areas:

in its darker, more intense versions, it’s perfectly paired with wood for a super-chic effect
in little details like a set of cushions or an armchair, it helps to give a fresh twist to the whole room
pair it with less obvious tones, particularly emerald green, for an interesting mix-and-match
the most delicate hues of violet, like lilac and mauve, can be used on velvet fabrics or stained-glass accessories for a luxuriously elegant mix.

What colours are on trend for walls in 2023? (5)

How to paint your walls Violet using VALPAINT products



Stylish colours for interiors? We’ve got to go greenThequintessential colour of nature,Green represents abundance, the ceaseless flow of everything it gives to us. Thanks to shades that bring to mind the colours of the Mediterranean coasts, you can bring a touch of nature inside your home, further bolstering the concept of sustainable design.

That means it’s not just atrending colour for 2023, but a source of inspiration for a more sustainable lifestyle.

Olive green is a great choice for furniture or walls, with plants to give the atmosphere a final touch, but there are other shades of green that can also help carry off this concept: from pastel hues to aquamarine, it’s the perfect colour for making your home welcoming and relaxing.

Get Green from the VALPAINT decorative systems


VALSETIN 2ORO 709 + Col. 466 B

Minimalist white: a timeless colour for the walls of your homeWe can’t speak aboutwall-colour trends for 2023without mentioning one of the most classic options, a “colour that’s not a colour”.

They sayblack never goes out of style, andthe same is certainly true of white. Paired with grey hues or with the addition of golden accents, it’s the cornerstone of a perfectmonochrome minimalist interior.

Get White using the VALPAINT decorative systems



Want to find out which colors were trendy in 2022?

Read the article“Wall-colour trends: how to paint the home in 2022”

And in 2021, what were the color trends in 2021? You can find them here"Wall colour trends 2021: new ideas for painting the home".

What colours are on trend for walls in 2023? (2025)
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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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